Entertainment Applications

Entertaining our guest is our top priority. We strive to have a variety of entertainment options for everyone to enjoy. 

2025 Applications coming soon!

Panelist & Workshop Applications

Guest speakers, workshops and panels are extremely important to our festival. Last year we promoted every panel and workshop at least five times on social media and posted details and pictures to the website,

We sold out of four workshops prior to the show opening due to the advertising efforts and all workshops were well attended. 


Please keep in mind that all panelist must have a ticket or be vending at the event (Panelist are not automatically provided with a free ticket unless prior arrangements have been made.) 

Panels are 1-hour long, set up and break down time is built into the schedule. Presentations will be ONE HOUR and YOU  WILL BE EXPECTED TO SHOW UP 15 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE PANEL TO SET UP and will have 15 MINUTES FOR CLEANUP. Coordinators will work with workshop runners if more than an hour is necessary.

All panels/workshops need to be able to be set up and break down in a 15 minute time frame.

Filling out the form DOES NOT GUARANTEE PARTICIPATION. All panelist will receive prior communication from the convention with a date/time. 

A main component of Tell Tell is a very hands on experience, we would like to have a very a more show and tell aspect to panels. Panelist will be expected to bring samples, tools, and possibly show some techniques live in font of the audience. 

We will also work with the panelist to print and design possible educational handouts to attendees.

Workshop Set Up and Payment:

Tell-Tale Steampunk Festival handles all registration for workshops. A small fee to cover payment portals will be added to workshops, after discussing with workshop runner. Day of the workshop a list of attendees will be provided to the workshop runner, it is up to you to take attendance. We will provide an online link where attendees my pre-purchase space, as well as, front desk purchase options the weekend of the show.  We use PayPal as our payment portal so if this is not acceptable other arrangements must be discussed prior to the show.

Workshop income will be digitally sent to workshop runner by no later than April 15.